EAARP nuclear security webinar

Thursday 8th December 2022

Dmytro Cherkashyn

holds an M.Sc. degree in nuclear energy from the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Ukraine, with a specialization in the physical protection of nuclear facilities, nuclear materials, radioactive wastes, and other radioactive sources. Prior to his current position as nuclear security scientist at the ISS, he was a nuclear safety specialist to the deputy chief of physical protection department at a research reactor and a senior teacher at the nuclear energy facilities department at his university. His experience is mostly bound with technical aspects of International Safeguards and the State Nuclear Security Regime. His area of interest also includes nonproliferation, international cooperation on nuclear safety and security, and IT/cyber security for nuclear facilities. Dmytro participated as a lecturer in the series of IAEA‘s international courses in Obninsk/Russia and Odessa summer schools in Ukraine.


Professor James Larkin

is the Director, Radiation, and Health Physics Unit (RHPU) at the University of the Witwatersrand. Professor Larkin is also the Chairman of the university’s NIH mandated Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and is a past chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN). 

He still continues to be heavily involved in international nuclear security education, and over the past ten years has been to more than ten different countries to share his nuclear security knowledge and experiences with national, regional, and international audiences. He works closely with both the IAEA’s sections on nuclear security (NSNS) and nuclear knowledge management (NKM)and the EU’s JRC Esarda, Italy on a number of nuclear security and nuclear safeguards projects, most recently on an International Nuclear Safeguards qualification currently under development.  At Witwatersrand University he teaches various courses in nuclear security, radiation protection, and nuclear facility leadership, and acts as the university’s radiation safety officer. Professor Larkin is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, UK (FRSM), a member of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management, US (INMM), and a founding member of the Southern African Radiation Protection Association (SARPA).

Jointly the RHPU and Esarda have organized a number of successful workshops on Safeguards and Non-proliferation for an African audience, given in South Africa. Along with its role as a support unit for the university’s nuclear and radiological-related research efforts, the RHPU undertakes a number of different research projects itself, including projects in environmental radiation protection and most recently a novel anti-rhino poaching technique that makes use of radioisotopes.

Hubert Foy

Hubert Foy is the director of the African Centre for Science and International Security, headquartered in Accra, Ghana. He has published and spoken widely on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, space safety and security, and dual-use science and technology. In 2012 he was a nuclear security fellow at the International School on Nuclear Security in Trieste. 

In 2011, at the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, he was technical nonproliferation and disarmament fellow for the UK-Norway Initiative. He holds a master’s degree in space studies from the International Space University in France and a master’s in international policy studies from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Rhonda Evans 

Rhonda Evans is the Head of Programme Development at the World Institute for Nuclear Security. She has overall responsibility for the relationship with funders and the development of programmes that will be attractive to funders including new areas of focus such as advanced reactor technology, cybersecurity, transport security and nuclear and other material out of regulatory control. 

Her specific areas of interest are international norms that support nuclear security and regulation. She has over 30 years of international and national experience in the fields of nuclear safety, nuclear security regulatory systems and governance, risk management and assurance. Before joining WINS in August 2017, she served as a senior nuclear security officer at the IAEA in the Division of Nuclear Security with the responsibility for developing nuclear security series guidance and capacity building in all regions of the world. 

She was the Deputy CEO of the Australian Radiation Protection Agency and a delegated decision maker for the Competent Authority for the Transport of Nuclear and other radioactive Material as well as the export and import of radioactive substances. Prior to joining the national regulatory body, she had a significant number of years of experience as a general legal counsel and counsel assisting the tribunal in a number of public authorities. Rhonda is a lawyer specialising in nuclear law and regulation. Her other main interest is gender equality, diversity and inclusion as a key underpinning to strengthen nuclear security.

Dr. David Otwoma.

Dr. David Otwoma is a former Chairman of the Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection. He holds a PhD in Radiation Physics, an MSc in Nuclear Science and a BSc in Physics. Currently he is the Chief Research Analyst at the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation. He was Secretary (Nuclear) in the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum seconded to the Nuclear Electricity Project (2011-2013), he served as the Chief Science Secretary at the National Council for Science and Technology (2007-2011) and was a Nuclear Safeguards Inspector at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna Austria (1999-2006).

1988-1998 he was Senior Radiation Protection Officer at the Radiation Protection Board from 1988. Dr. Otwoma impressive portfolio of awards, includes Nobel Prize for peace for the year 2005 as IAEA Staff shared with the IAEA Director General Dr. M. Albaradei, and the Kenya National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation award in 2013 in recognition for research contributions on both national and international levels to the R&D in RadiationProtection Dosimetry. His paper titled “Challenges and opportunities as Kenya grapples with how to introduce a nuclear regulator “published in ESI Africa’s Power Journal, formed part of the discussion in the August 2015 Eastern Africa Power Industry Convention. 

In 2018 he was appointed a Board member of the Radiation Protection Board which has transformed to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority in January 2021 From 2021 appointed as Contact Person for International Science and Technology Centre. Successfully supervises MSc and PhD candidates.

Ms. Princess Mthombeni

Ms. Princess Mthombeni is the Founder of Africa4Nuclear, an organization that spearheads Nuclear Advocacy and Communication in Africa and Abroad. She is currently the Nuclear Stakeholder Management Advisor at the Department of Mineral Resources & Energy (DMRE), Seconded by Necsa South Africa. She has more than 13 years of experience in the nuclear industry. She supports causes that are aimed at humanizing nuclear energy and improving its public image so that it can play a meaningful role in human development and environmental protection. Her focus is in Communications and she is committed to collaborate with any organization or agency that demonstrates their commitment to transformation and embrace diversity that the world is striving to meet. Part of her work involves reinforcing the communication and awareness-raising initiatives to address the lack of information and knowledge that persists around nuclear energy. She has collaborated with a number of national and international stakeholders, including developing communication strategies to implement activities related to promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear.  She has consulted and coordinated technical meetings and conferences for international organizations including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Nuclear University, African Young Generation in Nuclear (AYGN), Women in Nuclear South Africa (WiNSA), International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) and International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC).    She has been part of numerous strategic decision-making platforms and high-profile projects with tremendous success while building an even more powerful reputation, which led her to becoming an “International Communication Expert”. Every project she is involved in is extra-ordinary and she pride herself with perfection.

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