Our History

The formation of the Eastern Africa Association for Radiation Protection (EAARP) was inspired by the South Africa Association for Radiation Protection (SARPA). Dr. David Otwoma, the founder of EAARP, was invited to attend SARPA’s AGM in 1996 in Cape Town, South Africa, after attending an IAEA-sponsored event to draw up standard inspection protocols in radiological facilities.

Who we are

EAARP is a network of former and currently-serving professionals working with nuclear and radiation sources in human health, agriculture (both crop and animal), hydrology, industrial applications, education, and research across the Eastern Africa Region. EAARP is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.

What we do

EAARP seeks to foster a safety culture amongst radiation protection professionals while using or applying irradiating devices and radiation sources to themselves, the general public, and the environment. 

Our objective

The objective of EAARP is to serve the greater Eastern Africa region radiation protection professionals and encourage them to be ethical in undertakings that promote safety while using or applying irradiating devices and radiation sources to themselves, the general public, and the environment. 


Radiation Protection professionals are drawn from applications of nuclear and radiation sources in human health, agriculture (both crop and livestock), hydrology, industrial applications, teaching, and research. EAARP is an associate member of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the international voice for radiation protection professionals.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the EAARP